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Try Our Range of Gluten-free Sauces
With the wide variety of hot sauces and products available from Flying Goose Brand, living with a gluten-free diet shouldn’t prevent you from enjoying spicy, rich-flavoured food. We’ll explain where gluten comes from and why it’s easy to avoid with a bit of care.
What is Gluten?
Much has been made about the dangers of gluten, which is found in wheat, barley and rye whole grains and flours made from these grains. Gluten is a protein found in these grains that the human body’s immune system can misidentify as a harmful protein. Gluten is mainly only dangerous to people who have Celiac disease, although there are a few other conditions that encourage pursuing a gluten-free diet.
Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition in which gluten causes immune system activity that damages the lining of the small intestine. If the person with this condition continues to eat gluten, over time, the damage caused prevents the absorption of nutrients from food.
Non-celiac gluten sensitivity is another disorder that can also cause signs and symptoms resembling those of Celiac disease. The symptoms include abdominal pain, constipation, bloating, diarrhoea, “foggy brain’, headaches and rashes.
Gluten ataxia is also an autoimmune disorder affecting certain nerve tissues. It causes difficulties with muscle control and voluntary muscle movement.
Developing a wheat allergy is the result of the immune system mistaking gluten and other proteins found in wheat as disease-causing agents, like viruses or bacteria. The immune system creates an antibody when it detects the presence of wheat, and this antibody can cause symptoms such as congestion and breathing difficulties.
Wheat is Not the Only Source of Gluten
Many people avoid wheat and still suffer from the negative effects of gluten. To have a completely gluten-free diet means you must also avoid barley, rye, triticale (a hybrid cross of wheat and rye) and, in some cases, also oats.
You must also avoid all types of wheat to be perfectly safe. There are five types of wheat, all of which contain gluten. If you purchase a package that doesn’t specify wheat, but lists the words: Durum, Einkorn, Emmer, Kamut, or Spelt as ingredients, these are all varieties of wheat.
Oats that are obtained from a source you can trust are fine, pure oats are naturally gluten-free. But oats can be cross-contaminated with wheat because the same machines are used in the production processes of both grains. People with gluten sensitivities have to check the packaging of the oats to make sure the manufacturer specifies that the oats are gluten-free.
Safe Grains Without Gluten
People who are gluten-sensitive can substitute wheat, barley, or rye in a recipe for gluten-free grain. There are many grains that can be substituted for a glutinous grain on the market. Buckwheat, corn, millet, quinoa, rice, sorghum, soy, and tapioca are all whole grains that can serve as substitutes for wheat in recipes.
A recipe that calls for wheat flour offers even more choices for substitutes. Many manufacturers offer gluten-free flours made from beans, corn, rice, soy, and potatoes you can use as substitutes for wheat, barley or rye flour.
Awareness of the Dangers of Gluten
Organisations that support patients with Celiac disease and other autoimmune conditions have done a remarkable job of educating the public and food manufacturers about the potential dangers of gluten.
Most responsible food manufacturers, including Flying Goose Brand, label all their products as containing gluten or as being gluten-free to reassure customers as to the safety of our products.
Having to live with Celiac disease or any of the other gluten sensitivities can be hard enough to manage without having to also live on a diet lacking in flavour. You can eat a tasty diet and avoid Gluten by observing some common-sense habits in the foods you eat. Always check the ingredients of all the prepared and packaged food you buy when grocery shopping. And make a list of those restaurants in your area that know about the dangers of gluten and are serious about their commitment to making gluten-free versions of their food available for their customers.
Taste Flying Goose Brand Gluten-free Sauces
At Flying Goose Brand, all of our sriracha sauce products are gluten-free. This is because basic Sriracha sauce contains only four ingredients. Fresh chillies, fresh garlic, sugar and salt are the basic ingredients of our delicious and spicy sauces. Even the flavoured varieties of our sauces are gluten-free. The exotic flavours come from fresh vegetables and spices.
Other brands may thicken their sauces using flour containing wheat and other gluten-bearing grains. This practice introduces gluten into the product and dilutes the natural flavour of the sauce. With Flying Goose Brand Sriracha sauce you’ll taste only the wholesome flavours of Thailand in all the sauces in our range. Try the entire range of our gluten-free, delicious sauces.